Kyo sighed, turning and resting his forehead on his boyfriend's chest. "I know. He gets irritated at the littlest things now. Yesterday, I accidentally splashed water on his shoes and he smacked the cup out of my hand and then locked himself in his room. Didn't come out for a week"
Rai listened in silence. He wished Kota would open up and let him help. He would do whatever he could for he was in love with the man.
"You still want to stay here Rai?" Ren asked and Rai gave a firm nod.
"I have no intention of leaving"
Kyo looked at him in awe, wondering just what Kota did for Rai to love him so fiercely. "Are you sure? You don't have to Rai"
"I won't give up on him Brother Kota. No matter how long it takes, he's worth it" he replied with a smile then proceeded to leave the kitchen.
"Where are you going?" Ren asked.
"To buy some fucking Oreos" he replied and they burst out laughing.
Kota heard a soft knock on his door and groaned. Why couldn't they just leave him alone? All he wanted was some peace. Maybe if he ignored whoever it was, they'd go away.
After a few minutes of silence, the person knocked again. He groaned out loud, furiously pushed off his blanket and got off the bed. He picked up his green robe from the floor and wore it but didn't bother to tie it.
He opened the door and rolled his eyes when he saw the person knocking. "What do you want kid?" he asked, annoyed.
Rai's mind went blank upon seeing a half-naked Kota. His hair was still messy as if it had never met a comb before but in a way, coupled with the exposed skin, it made him look so alluring and Rai couldn't stop staring.
Kota wasn't a fan of working out either but he likes to stay fit. His six packs weren't prominent but they were still there. His skin was smooth, unblemished and the two nubs on his chest were taut due to the cold temperature of his room. Rai's eyes roamed lower, past the ridges of his midriff, down to his briefs.
"My face is up here Rai. What do you want?" Kota said when he saw that Rai was blatantly checking him out. He felt somehow flattered that Rai found his miserable self attractive. Meaning he wasn't the only one in the dilemma. He opened the door wider, purposely spreading both his arms to reveal more of himself.
Even though he knew he was attracted to Rai, Kota didn't want to have anything to do with him due to his past relationship experience but at the same time, he couldn't help but want to see Rai's reaction.
Rai gulped, hard. "S-Sorry! I uh... I'm here to... uh..."
"To what?"
Rai had to shake his head to concentrate and remember what he came up for. Oh right! "Out brothers are leaving now. Don't you want to say goodbye?"
'So soon?' Kota thought. He glanced at the wall clock in his room. 6:10 pm. Wow. He had locked himself in his room for the whole day. Again. He turned back to Rai. "Tell them I wish them a safe flight"
He was about to close the door but Rai stopped it with a hand. "Come tell them yourself. Don't you want to see your brother before he leaves? He'll be gone for a month". He was annoyed that even after everything Kyo had done for Kota, the man didn't even care to say goodbye.
"I don't care"
"How can you say that?" Rai asked in disbelief. Was Kota this far gone? He felt disappointed.
Kota stared into Rai's big black shiny eyes. 'What's with that look?' he thought. The way Rai was looking at him made him feel guilty. Like he was being a jerk. But he shouldn't care. Then why did he feel like he was doing something wrong?
"He's your brother," Rai said, sounding irritated. "You won't see him for a whole month. Won't you miss him?"
Kota scoffed. Miss him? He wanted him gone. He wanted all of them gone. He just wanted to be alone.
"Go away." he said then tried to push the door close but it wouldn't budge and Rai was stopping it with just a hand.
"Don't be an ass to Brother Kyo. He loves you a lot. God forbid, but imagine if something happens to him and you never see him again. Won't you regret not saying goodbye?"
"You're gonna fucking preach to me now?" Kota sneered, glaring at Rai.
Rai sighed. "Just think about it. They're leaving in 10 minutes"
He let go of the door and Kota banged it shut. He waited for a while but Kota didn't open the door so he left.
On the opposite side, Kota was resting his head against the door, listening to Rai's fading footsteps. He just had to come and guilt him into saying goodbye. And that look, those glassy dark eyes, he just couldn't unsee them. It's like they would keep haunting him if he didn't go. Besides, what he said was right. What if he never sees his brother again? Yeah sure he wants him gone but not that kind of gone. He sighed.
Fuck you Rai.
He glanced at the clock again. 6:15. Quickly, he tied his robe and dashed downstairs. Ren and Rai were carrying two suitcases each while Kyo was carrying a small bag. More like a kit. The lazy ass. They were at the door.
"Brother wait!" Kota shouted as he ran towards them. A huge smile broke over Kyo's face. Ren was stunned and Rai's gaze softened when Kota engulfed Kyo in a tight hug.
"You didn't think I'd let you leave without saying goodbye did you?" Kota whispered to him. He didn't want Rai to hear. It was a matter of pride.
Kyo hugged him back and whispered; "I hoped you wouldn't". He scrunched his nose. "Ugh, Kota! You stink! When last did you bathe?"
Kota pushed Kyo away. "Way to ruin the moment" he grumbled, frowning slightly.
They all couldn't help but laugh. Rai thought Kota was purely adorable. He couldn't stop staring at him.
Kyo pinched his cheeks, laughing to the point where his eyes were slits. "I'll miss you baby bro" he cooed.
Kota hastily swatted his hands away, face turning bright red at being embarrassed in front of Ren and Rai. "Hurry up and go. Shoo!"
"You won't escort them to the airport with me?" Rai asked, hoping Kota would accept. That way, they could spend time alone in the car on their way back. Maybe even have dinner at some restaurant and chat a bit.
"Don't fucking push it" Kota snarled at him. He must be happy that he got him to say goodbye. Well, he won't play his mind game this time. He then turned to Ren. "Take good care of my brother and I'll take care of your yours"