Chapter 4

Ren nodded, giving Kota a smile which he didn't bother to return.

Rai scoffed. "I'm not a child" he muttered under his breath.

"Okay. We're getting late" Kyo said, picking up his kit which fell when Kota hugged him. "Let's go".

Kota hugged Kyo once more then turned and went back to his room, feeling slightly better. Maybe it was a good thing he came out after all. It felt nice hugging his elder brother again.


Rai was sitting on a stool by the kitchen counter, preparing his rice crispies. He would have made a decent breakfast but he had a class in 15 minutes and the University was quite far. His fault for staying up late watching Big Bang Theory.

Kota walked in wearing nothing but a pair of baggy blue shorts and an open blue robe.

Rai froze. He stared wide-eyed, mouth agape. His fair smooth skin was was on full display. Bright pink nipples stood out like two black dots on a plain sheet. Rai's throat went dry as his naughty brain began to conjure sweet but sinful images. He had spent years wondering how Kota's skin would feel against his and now that he was so close, it was really hard not to find out.

"Your milk," Kota said to Rai. Rai saw his lips move but he didn't seem to hear anything. Kota reached out his hand to Rai. The younger's eyes dilated and his heartbeat skyrocketed. Was Kota going to touch him?! It all went in slow motion and the next thing Rai felt was Kota's hand on his.

He shivered.

"Your milk" Kota repeated, snapping Rai out of his thoughts. He blinked, once, twice then looked down at their joined hands to find his bowl overflowing with milk.

"Shit!" He exclaimed, dropping the bottle on the counter and rushing to find a rag.

Kota rolled his eyes and ran a hand through his messy hair then took a swig from his half-empty bottle of beer. His night had been shit as always. Holed up in his room, drinking and thinking of ways to disappear. Now he had someone to watch over. It irked him to no end especially when the person is someone he finds attractive. He wished Kyo hadn't threatened to send him back to Tokyo. He would have kicked Rai out the minute Kyo called to inform him that they had landed safely.

Rai found a rag and quickly cleaned up the mess. His face went deep red with embarrassment. Damn. Who knows what Rai was thinking now? His appetite had already been crushed by a huge boulder called shame so he dumped his cereal in the sink and rinsed the bowl. He didn't spare Kota a single glance. How could he? He felt like burying himself six feet under.

"Where are you going?" Kota asked when he saw Rai grab his bag.

"School" Rai replied nervously.

Kota took another swig from the bottle. School. The very place that made him lose everything. For some, it's a smooth ride but for Kota, it was like constantly drowning.

"We need to set some ground rules," Kota said to Rai.

"Uh... can we talk about this when I get back? I'm getting late"

Kota scoffed. "Yeah like I give a fuck. Sit down"

Rai actually preferred to stand so he didn't move an inch. He didn't want to be late but Kota, whom he has a massive crush on, wanted to talk to him and for once, he wasn't glaring at him or worse, yelling.

"Sit, don't sit, that's your problem," Kota said as he sat on a nearby stool. "Yesterday, you ate my Oreo O's. Granted, you didn't know they were mine and I might have overreacted"

Rai remained quiet. His eyes were fixed on the floor. He didn't want to look at the half-naked Kota and embarrass himself again.

"So to avoid anything like that from happening again, I'm gonna set some rules. You're free to add anything reasonable and I'll think about it"

Rai just nodded to infer that he was listening. Kota frowned. Wasn't he shamelessly ogling him earlier? Why was he now acting like a shy maiden? He had to admit that it was cute though.

"Well, I have three rules". He started by raising a finger. "1, Don't touch my stuff. Not a single fucking one. You see my boxers hanging on the Tv, you leave them on the Tv. 2, No parties. You can have friends over but they must not be more than three. That's the highest number I can allow and no sleepovers too. 3, No sex under my roof. That's it. Are we clear?"

Rai didn't say anything for a few seconds and Kota was about to say something when Rai mustered up all the courage in his heart and looked Kota right in the eyes.

Kota was slightly taken aback by the action. Rai's dark eyes were shining with determination and Kota, who always thought he was intimidating suddenly felt cornered.

"I have a problem with numbers 1 and 3," he said. Kota frowned. Which was which again? He made up the rules but he couldn't remember in what order he just said them. Great. He gets to look like a fucking fool in front of Rai.

"I'm sorry but I can't see your underwear on the Tv and leave it there. I'll most likely pick it up and give it to you. Then number 3. No sex? I'm a man and I have needs. We'll try to be as quiet as possible though."

Besides, when he finally gets Kota to love him back, they’ll be doing it every day.

Kota was stunned. He knew Rai to be so quiet and docile. So he's in fact a rebel. Interesting. "Well I'm sorry too but this is my house. My house, my rules"

Rai scoffed. "Last I checked, Brother Kyo pays the rent and you do nothing but spend his hard-earned money on booze and cancer sticks"

Kota's face darkened. "What the fuck did you say?"

Rai didn't blink. "You heard me"

They both glared at each other. Kota downed the rest of the beer and set the bottle on the counter then stood up and walked towards Rai. Rai didn't move an inch. They stood face to face.

Kota's breath reeked of alcohol and Rai wanted to move but he didn't want to look weak so he endured it. "If it weren't for the fact that my brother cares about you, I would have kicked you out yesterday. You're fucking lucky. Try not to piss me off, Rai."

With that, he bumped his shoulder into Rai then stormed off. Rai let out a sigh and looked at the beer bottle on the table. Alcohol on an empty stomach.

'What are you doing to yourself Kota?'