buying land

James wasn't surprised in the least that the dragon-phoenix pavilion wanted to form a partnership, the fact that he had such a high level would be enough for them to make a move. The surprising fact was that they had sent him a real-world invite. You have to know that the dragon-phoenix pavilion was a super-first-rate guild, those were extremely prideful. Normally it would be difficult for even super guilds to make them bow down.

Nevertheless, James needed to go, he had something he needed connections for after all, but first, he needed to make sure that everything here was in order. With the completion rate he expected from his guild mates it was highly likely that it would take them extremely long to complete their Tier promotion quests, even more so for the commanders who he expected to get a SSS grade, the highest grade possible, not to mention him who had to get such a high rating with an ancient God class. With all of this factored in even with the extreme head start they had it would be highly likely that the core forces of bigger guilds will have already caught up to them by the time they completed their [Tier 1] promotion, so he couldn't have them sit around while he went on a business trip.

"Everyone heads up, now that all of you have met the conditions to be promoted to [Tier 1] I want you all to go to the city, log off, and read up on the info given to you, with the high expectations I have from you this Tier promotion will take a long time, so many forces will be catching up in level. You might find yourself wanting to rush this to stay ahead of them, DO NOT DO THAT. This is only [Tier 1], frankly individual power doesn't matter, this is just a transitioning Tier, if you listen to me and build up your foundations like I told you to, by [Tier 3], all of you will be 1 man armies capable of destroying those guilds on your own, so patience."

Everyone looked in admiration while James was about to turn around and make his way to the city to log off alongside them, but then a very important detail that he missed hit him, so he turned back around to face his force.

"One more thing, as stated in your contracts by the time you reach level 20 in game you will have to sign a contract trough the main gods system, this contract will state the same conditions as the contract in the real world, so it contains some secrecy and loyalty stuff, I encourage you to read it through again, but the payment for breach of contract will be different. It is not a cash fine, but a direct ban from playing Gods Domain ever again."

20 blue popup screens than appeared before all the people present, most, especially the commanders who knew all James's secrets signed immediately, they had read trough it already after all. Some still hesitated, James didn't blame them, he had explained how big Gods Domain was to them so a ban would indeed be devastating, but he had no doubt in his mind that they would sign. And he was right, only half an hour after he sent all the contract everyone had signed it and was now standing proudly as official core members of the one guild.

"Thank you everyone for trusting me, now let's go to the city and log off."

With their improved levels it only took an hour to get back to the city from the field boss cave, upon return they found that in the day they had spend grinding and traveling the core members of big guild had already reached Level 10, but thanks to James's speech earlier no one minded this. At least not on their team, every time they passed another team they heard whispers.

"Aren't they the one guild, should we maybe go up and ask for a partnership."

A young man said to a big man with a full set of shining equipment.

"Are you dumb, our guild has spend all of its resources on us to be one of the earliest ones to enter the city, yet they are already level 20, they must belong to some big secret organizations, we have nothing to offer them, and we better not get on their nerves, or our stay in gods Domain will probably be cut short."

The big man said while gritting his teeth, he had thought that after entering the city he would be on equal footing with that one, a guild token drop was random after all, they could have just gotten lucky, but after seeing the second notification he realized that this was nothing but a dream.

"but boss, maybe if we can make a connection…"

They still had hope in their boss, he was a bone-afield Refinement Realm expert after all, even first-rate guild would treat him decently, why would they be any different?

While looking at his hoping teammates the big man just sighed, he was indeed in the Refinement Realm, and that would put him relatively high up in second and third rate guilds, even some first-rate ones, but being in the Refinement Realm also gave him the power to feel their strength. And to put it simply, he was terrified, he couldn't feel anything from them, normally he would be able to feel the power level of even people that just started gaming, so he wasn't feeling a weak presents from them, but non at all. If he wasn't able to see them he wouldn't have even known that they were there.

This phenomenon had only happened to him once before, he had an excellent sense even for a Refinement Realm expert after all, that was with his master, a void Realm expert, so all of them were in the Void Realm, that was insane. Even superguilds would find it extremely difficult to send out such a force, not to mention on a simple leveling mission, that they were able to spend these kinds of resources was already enough to make him want to back off.

"Never mind them, we have more important things to do than dream, let's go level, we can't let our guild down."

Meanwhile, before James logged of, he and Brown bear went to the mayor's office to do some business, unbeknownst to all the ruckus he was leaving behind, with all the drops from grinding added with his money he had around 500 gold, and with Brown's Nobel status it would be a waste to not buy some properties in the center of the town. He needed a shop anyway to sell all the random items Iron would be making that weren't good enough to sell to guilds.

The mayor's office was located in city hall, it only took 10 minutes to get there with a fast carriage, it took some silver which is not affordable to even apex power houses at this stage of the game, but to James this money was worth far less than his time.

When approaching the frond desk the receptionist seemed very welcoming to the surprise of some bystanders who had already tried to talk to her.

"O, sir demon hunter, how nice to meet you, what can I do for you on this fine evening."

She totally ignored James like he wasn't even there and just gave Brown her full attention, James already knew this would happen, you can't just walk into the mayor's office, a [Tier 3] grand mage, as a [Tier 1] and expect to be welcomed, but that was a different story for people like Brown who are Barons.

"I would like to buy some properties in the city, I would assume this isn't a problem."

"Nono, of course not mister demon hunter, just follow me to the waiting room where you will wait for the mayor to come and help you, only he is authorized to sell property in the city. O, and who is this man you are dragging along sir."

The receptionist just shot a nasty look towards James, it seemed even more nasty then the one she had given all the other normal citizens, like he was a leach. It was so bad that most of the bystanders couldn't help but feel bad for him.

Upon hearing the nasty tone the receptionist gave James Brown turned around and stared her down, but before he did anything irrational he just sighed and explained.

"He is my boss, so I would appreciate it if you don't speak to him in that way, he also happens to be the one buying the property through me and providing all the funds so I would be careful."

The receptionist attitude towards James quickly changed when she heard this, mainly because he was the one that would be paying and thus be paying her fee ad well.

"I see, then please sir also follow me towards the waiting area, it will take some time before the mayor can accompany you to so I will leave you with a map of the city where all the buyable plots of land are marked on."

James and Brown then went to sit down in the confrontable launch, Brown just relaxed while James took his time looking through the map, there were a lot of property's he wanted, most of them being near the city center and close to important buildings like the auction house or market. He wanted these as negotiating tools with bigger guilds, ones all of the best plots of land are gone in major city's and the guilds where still far of from constructing their own city's these plots would be worth more then gold.

James took 1 look at the prices and was quite sad, after reserving 300 gold for the item he needed at the auction at the end of the week he could only buy 2 plots of land. The ones he chose were the ones that saw the most foot traffic, both of them being located between town hall and the auction house. Now that he had decided James sat back down and waited quietly for the mayor to arrive, and only 15 minutes later.

"Hello there mister demon hunter, and esteemed guest, I heard that you where interested in buying some properties, which ones would you like."

Unlike the oblivious receptionist this old wizard could gauge their power levels so turned to James instead of Brown, after realizing how strong he was.

"Mister mayor, nice to meet you, the 2 properties I want are already marked on the map, with the 200 gold fee laying next to it, if you can confirm the price and give us the deed we can go, we don't want to take up any of your precious time after all."

After picking up the map and confirming the payment the mayor handed 2 pieces of parchment to Brown with an apologetic look to James.

"I'm sorry sir but only nobles can be on the deed, so these 2 will have to be in your employers name, and you will also be required to pay 10% property taxes per month, that will be 20 gold in total a month."

James sighed, he knew he couldn't be on the deed from the beginning but he had gained some hope after he saw the Mayer address him instead of Brown.

"that's fine, just give them to me after. It was pleasant doing business with you mister mayor."

After saying his goodbyes James and Brown both logged of, Brown to read up on [Tier 1] promotion and James to do some business.