Dimensional key

Walking into the portal James was yet again confronted with the all too familiar grass landscape he had seen so many times already. this time however the beautiful woman wasn't sitting on the glass garden chair but walking towards him with a big smile on her face.

"You did it, James, I knew this was going to end fast but that was truly incredible."

Before he could get a word in Lea flicked her wrist to reveal a silver key, she gently pushed it toward James making it float to him. Before he could even grab the key Lea had already motioned him to come and sit at the table with her while walking back to the glass chairs.

Grabbing the key out of midair, James waited to inspect it and first made his way to the table, only starting the inspection process when Lea started talking. Even with his incredible eye skill, it seemed that it was going to take around 10 seconds before the true nature of this key would reveal itself.

"You did incredibly well James, that young man may have been at the bottom of the pack when it comes to Realm champions, but an overwhelming victory like that against any Realm champion is an incredible feat. But I still want to go over the battle before you depart, I also want to go over what your plans are to prepare for the Tier 2 battle."

James nodded, honestly, he was barely paying attention, now focusing all of his attention on the info of the now inspected key that was floating before his eyes.

[Fragment of the Dimensional key] (Legendary grade item)

A fragment of the Dimensional key made by the primordial god of craftsmanship in the primordial era on request of the Eternal Trading group to help their business across realms. Had the power to transport entire fleets of flying ships between realms.

Additional active skill 1 – World Breaker

Breaks the boundaries between worlds and transports the user to any place within their current realm. The user has to be able to visually think about the location to transport there and requires 5,000 units of Seven Luminaries Crystal.

Cooldown: 30 days

Additional active skill 2 – Marker

Set a marker to save said location within the Dimensional key.

Cooldown: 5 days

Additional active skill 3 – Dimensional wormhole

Creates a tunnel through space that can hold up to 30 people to pass to any place where a marker was set. This portal costs 15,000 units of Seven Luminaries Crystal to construct.

Cooldown: 100 days

Looking at the key James couldn't be happier, but he had expected nothing less from 'him'. This was indeed exactly what he needed at the moment. He had been looking for a way into the greater world for some time now but finding a way to enter the Greater Gods domain before your god's domain merged was one hell of a task, even so, he had been franticly thinking about it for the past 2 years now. That is because there simply weren't enough top-tier resources within this tiny god's domain for all of the members of the One Guild to become the strongest Tier 4s that they could be, anything below that he could handle, but when it came to resources needed to reach Tier 4, 5 and 6 there was no way there were enough of them. If he wanted to create normal Tier 6's, sure, but for the powerhouses, he was creating it was nowhere near enough. It was already a wonder that their tiny god's domain had so many high Tier recourses for Tier 3 players and under.

There was also a second benefit to being able to go to the Greater God's domain early. That was trade. James might not have many resources, but the ones he did have were ones that even apex guilds would desperately want. Selling his scraps would allow him to easily enter the greater world and set up a foundation in some second-rate city, which was already more than even the green gods company could do.

Snapping out of it, James saw Lea staring at him with a hint of impatience.

"First, let's go over your battle. It is true that you ended it extremely fast but that was also a risky move you made there. I would suggest you focus on learning your combat techniques in more detail before going for Tier 2."

James nodded, he was already planning on doing that from the very start, since he had never had powerful combat techniques in his previous life, he needed to do some experimenting with them.

"Now tell me, what are your plans to prepare before becoming a Tier 2?"

"Well, I am planning to just like you suggested get way more comfortable using combat techniques in actual battle and also increase my proficiency in the 'Starry Night' combat technique. The second thing I plan to do is unlock the expansion pack to activate the free combat system. Following that, I will be becoming a Grandmaster Magician, which will help me with my next step. My next step is to increase all my skills proficiency to a decent level."

Lea could only frown at what James just said, she honestly was a little puzzled at how he knew anything about the expansion packs at all, but it wasn't the craziest thing he had done so she decided to let it slide. Plus, if that could help James while getting stronger, then that was nothing but a benefit to her.

"I will not be asking how you got that information, but although those things will surely give you a great boost in strength, I must warn you. Becoming proficient with the new style of combat will be difficult and time-consuming, not to mention becoming a Grandmaster Magician. In the greater world, Grandmaster Magicians may not seem that rare, but in reality, it is incredibly hard to become one. That is to say, make sure you don't waste too much time, you know as well as I do that being ahead of the rest gives you a huge advantage in terms of resources."

James was relieved that she didn't question him over his knowledge, even though he knew that she wouldn't and especially couldn't really do anything to him. As for her warning, he didn't have to keep them in mind, he was obviously already plenty familiar with the free combat system, the only thing he had to do was practice his new skills for some time. The warning about becoming a Grandmaster Magician being time-consuming was even more laughable. The magician was one of the only subclasses where you didn't need to gain points through crafting, if you could create a Grandmaster Level Magic array, that was enough for you to be recognized as a Grandmaster Magician.

Seeing that she had berated James enough, Lea decided to put in some words of encouragement before sending him off.

"Train hard, but don't worry too much about your next opponent. They will most certainly have higher stats than the man you fought today, maybe by some miracle he might even have stats comparable to yours. But there is not a single chance that his physique and concentration match up to yours. Your physique is already four times higher than that of any average Tier 2 player, even if theirs might be a little higher than normal it will not come close to yours. Your concentration is even more amazing than that, already being at the Tier 6 standard, no Tier 2 could match you in that. I believe that you realize that these two aspects play an even bigger role in combat than basic attributes, so your advantage will still be as clear as day."

Seeing that Lea was done, James proceeded to step inside the portal only to hear a distant Lea scream something at him.

"I almost forgot, don't reveal the information about the tournament to anyone, if you do there will be consequences."

James thanked Lea for her help and promptly left through the portal. Appearing again inside his own god's domain James didn't even bother opening any of his messages or the like. He just logged off immediately, if it was really important, they could come and talk to him in real life.

Stepping out of the pod, James noticed that his fridge of S-grade Nutrient solution was as good as gone, he really had exerted himself to the max for the past 8 days. Walking to the door to go to his office this thought was only reinforced by the immense headache he got. Instead of being grumpy about it though James felt extremely happy. He could break through to the second level of the mental martial arts grandmaster. He presumed that this was due to all the mental draining and extremely complicated combat techniques he had been doing.

Though he could feel that he was ready to advance, James could obviously tell that he wouldn't be able to at the moment. The Nutrient he needed to solidify this breakthrough wasn't something that was readily available on this planet. Getting it would be too much of a hassle, with the same amount of time and energy he might as well enter the greater world. Normally he wouldn't be hoping to enter it so soon, but the reward from the tournament changed that.

Walking out of his room towards his office James bumped into Iron, who was more than surprised to finally see him again.

"James! Where have you been man? I thought that quest of yours would only take around 3 days, it's been over a week. You didn't encounter any problems, did you?"

Iron's face went from surprised to kind of mad to worried all in that single sentence.

"No no, quite the opposite in fact, but that can wait. How has everything been going when I was gone, everything still going smooth?"

Iron sighed for a quick second before replying.

"Yes, no big problems, everyone was just worried about you. Anyway, do you want me to give you a quick briefing right now about all of the results of the Tier quests and the events that happened when you were gone?"

James thought about it for a second before responding.

"I think it is best if you don't, tell every member to come to my office as soon as possible one by one. Starting with Olivia's team. I'll go over their results and overall ability with them one on one, I'll also be providing them with the next things they need to be working on before they will be going for Tier 2. I think it is better that way, I haven't had much time to get to know every team member personally thanks to the hectic preparation and first week, but it is vital that they feel comfortable with me and that I know about their specific skills."

Iron nodded in agreement.

"I also think that's best, with most team members you haven't even had a single conversation that lasted more than 30 seconds. Some of them see you as more of a scary boss than their comrade, so it's best if we change that as soon as possible. I'll go notify them now, I think the first person should be in your office in about 30 minutes."

James already opened the door to his office to walk inside before saying some final words to Iron.

"Thanks, Iron. O, and you will be the last one to come in, I presume we have some more things to talk about."

Iron moved along after a slight bow.

James hadn't planned on having a one-on-one meeting with every member but remembering how they spoke to him while they were leveling together made him change his mind. They were respectful, yes, but they seemed to talk to him more like a stranger that had control over them rather than a respected comrade or boss. Changing that would be of the utmost importance to have them place their full trust in him, and for the things they were going to do, that was the only way to ensure everything was going to run smoothly.