A present

Adela could turn the emperor into ashes in a second; she could even start a fight right now; and she could tame all the monsters that the entire kingdom had been fighting against. But she didn't want to repeat the same things, so she tried to calm herself and offered a smile.

"I was really curious to learn more about you, Adela Virginia."

"So I didn't wait for a second day; I just requested you to come here," the emperor remarked in an exhilarating voice.

Adela took a deep breath and let it out. Her sole thought was to set fire to the emperor's body and luxuriate in the scene, his screams reaching the depths of her soul. She wished she could have done this at that very moment.

"It is my fault, Your Highness, that I could not perform my magic for you last night. But now I have something for you," Adela stated.

"I see, and I am intrigued," the emperor answered.

Adela nodded and smiled slightly. Who could know her thoughts? How did she intend to handle the emperor and the palace?