Black magic

"Good morning, honey," said Alfred.

Adela sat next to Camilla. She observed that her father's attitude was normal; had her mother told her father everything or not? Adela pondered as she gazed at her mother. Her mother appeared to be doing OK.

Alfred turned his attention to Camilla and asked, "How are you feeling right now, Camilla?"

"I've improved a lot, Uncle. But there are moments when I feel completely lost within myself. Nothing comes to mind." Camilla stated this dejectedly.

Alfred comforted Camilla with his words, "Camilla, don't be concerned. That occurs occasionally. And rest certain that everything will be well."

Camilla smiled and gave a slight head nod. After a little while, Adela asked her father, "Father, why did you get home so late the night before? What decision did the Emperor make?"

Alfred took a spoonful of food and chewed it. Veronica briefly cast a sidelong glance toward her husband before focusing on her dish. He spoke to Adela as he chewed his food.