Max's love

Wilson's words astounded Max. That Camilla could accomplish what they could not be truly remarkable to him. "It's surprising, master," he remarked.

"Well, I believe I will speak with David about Camilla once more. I'll ask him once more to allow Camilla to use white magic. Max, she'll be an excellent physician."

"Yes, master. I witnessed her work as well, and she was very incredible."

Wilson moved his gaze around and said, "But where is she?"

"She has not yet arrived, Master. I'm not sure why they're running late." Max answered.

Wilson questioned, "They?"

"Yes, sir. Camilla really collapsed again yesterday, and Adela escorted her home."

"Fainted? Why? Did she put pressure on her mana again?" Wilson questioned.

Max answered with a nod of his head, "No, Master. It was like she reacted and suddenly blacked out."

"Reacted? What is it for?" Wilson questioned.