Book of devil

[The scenario changed to Adela's palace]

"My lady."

Elise was on the verge of screaming out of fear when she discovered Adela in that way. If her master was standing in front of her, who was sleeping on the bed?

As Adela spotted Elise about to scream, she swiftly grabbed her lips to stop her from yelling. Adela placed her finger on Elise's lips to persuade her not to scream. Elise gave a brief nod. Adela pulled her hands from Elise's mouth while taking a long breath. Elise saw Adela carrying several books. It somewhat took aback Elise to find that Adela was carrying several hefty books. Where did her master get those books? "What is it, my lady?" Elise said as she parted her lips in curiosity. "Do you intend to murder me? You misled me and abandoned me here without telling me what you had in mind. You told me last time that you'd take me on the next adventure, but you abandoned me here once again."