Two ways to save him

Adela raised her gaze and murmured to herself, 'But father, this time I am sorry. I'm not sure I can take your advice. I need to assist everyone this time. I swear to myself that I shall break the emperor's blood oath.'

"All well, then." After saying this, Alfred turned to leave but abruptly halted. Adela's heart began to beat remarkably fast as she realized her father had halted. Did her father notice anything? She wondered.

Her father looked back at her and asked, "How is he now?"

Adela understood what her father was attempting to say. She said, "Father, he's well. But he was the victim of blood divination magic. I do not know what will happen to him. Camilla tried her best to help him recover his wakefulness, but I do not know what the future holds. Will we be able to defeat the magic? I don't know."