The truth

Then they both became silent for a minute. When Francis understood Camilla would say nothing, he thought to leave. "Okay, Camilla. I need to go. And tonight we will go to Sofia, so be prepared."

Saying that, Francis was about to get up, but Camilla said, "She is Adela, right?"

Francis felt a jolt of surprise as Camilla mentioned Adela's name in their conversation. He hadn't expected her to be aware of his feelings for Adela, and the sudden realization sent a wave of unease through him. He looked into Camilla's eyes, searching for any sign of accusation or hurt.

"Camilla, how... how did you know about my feelings for Adela?" Francis asked, his voice trembling slightly.

Camilla's expression was like before, and she looked at him with calmness. "Francis, I may have said nothing before, but I've noticed the way you look at her and the way you talk about her. It's been clear to me for some time now."