Francis's broken heart

Elisa blinked, her eyes open, momentarily disoriented from her unintended nap on the chair. As her senses awakened, she heard the faint sound of an opening and turned her head to see Adela standing there, a soft smile on her lips.

"My lady, you're back," Elisa said, her voice still groggy from sleep. "I apologize for dozing off."

Adela chuckled softly and waved her hand dismissively. "No need to apologize, Elisa. I know you work tirelessly to assist me. Besides, I couldn't resist sneaking back in quietly. I didn't want to disturb anyone."

Elisa straightened up, feeling more awake now. "Is everything all right, my lady? How did things go with Prince Richard? Did you guys?"

Adela's smile widened, her eyes shining with happiness. "Oh, Elisa, it was beyond anything I could have imagined. Richard, the prince, confessed his love for me. We shared such a beautiful and intimate moment."