Camilla was Anesthesia

Kabuto took a gulp and then said, "We did not find anything special, Your Majesty."

Draven rolled his eyes. He knew it couldn't be wrong. Whatever he witnessed that day, he could not forget. He spotted someone else in front of his eyes. How could it be that he spotted his past in Camilla's eyes?

Draven took a deep breath and then said, "Okay, let them return, and then we will think of something to do."

Derek and Kabuto nodded and bowed their heads. As Derek and Kabuto turned to leave the chamber, their steps filled with newfound determination, they couldn't shake the lingering feeling of Draven's gaze upon them. They knew they had narrowly escaped his wrath, but they were all too aware that their loyalty would forever be tested in the dark and treacherous realm they served.