Francis's mission

Turning to his team, Francis spoke with determination. "We cannot be certain that these are dragon bones. It is imperative that we conduct a thorough search of the area to gather more information. Leila, Armin, Ethan, Leo, Gabriel, Ava, and the rest of you, spread out and explore every nook and cranny. Look for any other signs or remnants that could provide insight into these bones."

The team dispersed, fanning out across the terrain, their senses heightened in search of any clues. They scoured the landscape, their eyes keen on any unusual formations or traces of ancient creatures.

Leila ventured to the nearby caves, her bow at the ready, searching for any signs of habitation or remnants that could shed light on the mystery. Armin explored the dense undergrowth, his sword unsheathed, ready to defend against any unforeseen dangers.