
As time wore on, fatigue began to set in, but their spirits remained unbroken. They fought with an unwavering resolve, a testament to their unwavering dedication to their cause.

The chimera, though formidable, showed signs of weariness. Its movements became sluggish, and its once ferocious roars were reduced to desperate growls. Yet it refused to yield, clinging to its primal instincts and fighting with a resilience born from centuries of survival.

The team seized the opportunity, launching a final assault. Leila's arrows found their mark with unerring accuracy, weakening the chimera's defenses. Armin and Gabriel fought in perfect tandem, their synchronized strikes overwhelming the beast.

Gabriel, the fearless knight, engaged the chimera with unyielding resolve. He danced around its relentless strikes, his sword a blur of steel as he aimed precise blows at the creature's exposed underbelly.