Immortal stones

"It's the stone!" someone exclaimed in awe as everyone realized the significance of the discovery.

James's eyes gleamed with avarice as he was about to hold the stone in his hands. Its power seemed to course through him, filling him with a sensation of invincibility. His greed for power intensified, and he couldn't help but envision the countless possibilities the stone could bring.

As James reached out to touch the glowing stone, Camilla couldn't suppress the sly grin that crept onto her face. She had seen the greed in his eyes, and a part of her was tempted by the allure of the stone as well. However, she knew the danger that awaited him if he dared to lay his mortal hand upon its ancient surface.

Her mind raced with conflicting emotions. On the one hand, she wanted the power the stone held, knowing it could help them in their fight against the darkness.