Can you perform the ritual

"I- I am sorry, prince." Theia murmured as she lowered her gaze. Everyone became silent within a minute.

Camilla's heart swelled with gratitude as James came to her defense. She cracked a smile on her face. It seemed that without even a fight, she won. Theia, feeling the weight of his disapproval, began to falter. She had acted out of jealousy and insecurity, and now she realized the consequences of her impulsive actions.

Taking a deep breath, Prince James addressed Camilla directly, his voice softening with understanding. "Camilla, I apologize for the distress you have faced. It is clear to me that you are an honorable woman, and I see no reason to doubt your integrity."

Camilla nodded, grateful for the prince's support, but she couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness for Theia. She had witnessed firsthand how jealousy and insecurity could twist one's perception, leading to harmful actions.