We make it

"Ha-ha!" Elisa laughed while nuzzling him affectionately. But the laughter was short-lived, as Elisa's expression shifted and she walked toward the window. A hint of melancholy crept into her gaze as she looked out at the world beyond. Her voice, a soft murmur carried by the wind, spoke her thoughts aloud. "My lady, when will you be back? It has been three months. How many more months will you need?"

With a sigh, Elisa turned away from the window, her thoughts consumed by Adela's words. There was something Adela had wanted her to discover—something hidden, a secret chamber that held mysteries Elisa had yet to unravel. She had tried—oh, how she had tried—alongside Simon, the feline detective who had offered his insights.

"My lady, I and Mr. Simon tried to find the secret chamber, but we could not find it," Elisa admitted, her voice carrying a hint of frustration. "But don't worry, my lady. We will not give up."