Secret chamber

The eerie sensation that had accompanied her earlier had now intensified, wrapping around her like a cold embrace. A sense of urgency gnawed at her, urging her to move to escape the unsettling atmosphere that seemed to cling to the shadows.

"I have to move as soon as possible," Elisa whispered, her voice carrying a hint of unease. She knew that she couldn't stay in this place any longer and that the sensation of being watched by unseen eyes was becoming too overwhelming to bear.

Her lantern's glow wavered as she turned, her steps quickening as she retraced her path. And then, just as her heart began to calm, a sound shattered the silence—a distinct cracking noise, the unmistakable sound of a door being opened. Elisa froze in her tracks, her breath catching in her throat. Her eyes widened with alarm, and her hands trembled as fear gripped her.