A clue

"Meow!" "Meow!"

With Simon's presence by her side, Elisa's confidence grew. She turned her attention back to the wall, her fingers tracing the intricate patterns that adorned its surface. "Every line, every symbol," Elisa continued, her voice filled with wonder, must hold a purpose. A message is waiting to be deciphered."

"Mr. Simon," Elisa said, her voice a mixture of determination and curiosity, "I believe this design is significant. It's not just a random decoration—it's a clue, a key to something greater."

Simon let out a soft "Meow," his eyes holding a depth of wisdom that belied his feline form. He nuzzled against her hand.

Elisa took a deep breath, her fingers still resting against the design. She knew that their mission was far from over and that challenges and revelations awaited them. But with Simon's insight and her determination, she felt that they were on the brink of uncovering a truth that had remained shrouded in darkness for far too long.