Help me

Carson's expression grew more concerned as he observed Elisa's nervous demeanor. Her request for secrecy piqued his curiosity, but he respected her need for discretion. He nodded in agreement, and the two of them silently left the corridor, making their way to a secluded corner of the palace garden.

As they reached the tranquil spot, surrounded by the soothing rustle of leaves and distant sounds of the palace, Carson crossed his arms and asked, "Now tell me. This place is safe. No one will come this way at this moment."

Elisa finally spoke; her eyes darted around, making sure no one was within earshot, and her voice was hushed when she said, "Sir Carson, I need to tell you something... something that I discovered, but it's of utmost secrecy."

Carson's brows furrowed, intrigued and slightly worried by Elisa's tone. He crossed his arms and nodded for her to continue, reassuring her that their current location was indeed safe from prying ears.