You were devoted to my father

The emperor's lips curled into a faint, almost imperceptible smile. "Really, are you?" The words carried a cryptic undertone, and Alfred's brow furrowed slightly in confusion. The question seemed to hang in the air, laden with meaning that eluded his grasp.

"Of course I am devoted to you, Your Majesty," Alfred responded with unwavering sincerity. His voice held a note of assurance, yet he couldn't shake the feeling that Emperor Draven was probing for something more.

The atmosphere in the chamber remained charged, and the tension was palpable as their gazes locked in a silent exchange. Alfred felt as though he were being scrutinized, his loyalty and dedication subjected to a test he couldn't quite fathom. There was a depth to Draven's gaze that hinted at hidden intentions—an underlying motive that danced just beyond Alfred's reach.