You fool, human!

Alison's smile emerged, a mixture of satisfaction and triumph gracing her regal features. She turned to Ino, her eyes gleaming with newfound resolve. "Ino, this time we will not fail," she declared, her voice carrying a conviction that sent a shiver down Ino's spine. "I will kill Adela and Richard with my black magic."

"My queen, whatever you do, just be careful. I implore you to reconsider." Ino's voice trembled as she dared to voice her worries. "Using such dark magic comes with great risk, not only to them but to us as well. If the king becomes aware, then he will hurt you again."

Alison's gaze hardened, her determination unwavering. "Consequences are of no concern to me," she replied, her tone cold and resolute. "They will pay for thwarting my plans and for standing in the way of my ambitions. The shadows have shown me a path, and I shall follow it to its bitter end."

"And about the king, that bastard will be happy as long as I know him."