Carson, where is Elisa?

Alison leaned on Ino for support; her breathing was still labored as she struggled to find equilibrium. She offered a weak but grateful smile to her devoted servant. "Ino," she whispered, her voice tinged with vulnerability.

Ino's worry was evident in her eyes as she responded, "You should rest, my queen. This has been a trying ordeal."

Alison's anger simmered beneath the surface, a volatile mix of frustration and resentment. The shadows had given her unexpected information, unveiling a truth that shook the very foundation of her plans. Her grip on her own power had been flawed, and the revelation left her seething with indignation.

"How could Richard get the power of a goddess?" Alison muttered through gritted teeth, her mind racing to make sense of the newfound knowledge. "Does it mean he inherited it from his mother? Is that why my power had no effect on him?"