Sir Carson, how did you manage?

The weight of the impending confrontation pressed down on Elisa as she led the way to Adela's room. She couldn't escape the truth any longer, and the fear that had gripped her heart intensified with every step.

"Elisa!" Veronica called her name, her voice tinged with both concern and a hint of impatience.

Elisa responded, her voice trembling slightly as she acknowledged her lady's call. "My lady."

With each step she took, Elisa could feel the eyes of Alfred and Veronica on her, their expectations and suspicions palpable. She knew that this moment would be a turning point in her life, one that would either reveal her deceit or allow her to continue down a path of secrecy.

As they approached the door to Adela's room, Elisa's heart raced, and her thoughts raced along with it. She couldn't help but pray silently for guidance, seeking a way out of the tangled web of lies she had woven.