I can't be wrong

Veronica's brows furrowed in worry as she processed the gravity of the situation. The ancient library held priceless and often forbidden knowledge, and the presence of an intruder within its hallowed walls was cause for alarm. And she also had feelings that there was a secret as well.

Alfred's gaze shifted from Veronica to Elisa; his eyes were now fixed on Elisa. His voice was measured as he continued to address the unsettling matter of the intruder in the ancient library.

"But they found a lantern there," Alfred stated, his eyes unwavering fixed on Elisa.

Elisa's heart skipped a beat at those words, and her eyes widened in surprise. Panic surged through her as she wondered if Lord Alfred had somehow pieced together the truth. Did he suspect her as the intruder? The possibility hung heavy in the air, and it left her feeling exposed and vulnerable.