It seems you are so tired, love

Max's hand moved gently to caress Camilla's face as he leaned in for a deeper kiss. The warmth of their connection blossomed as their lips met. Max felt a surge of emotion, and though the Asmodeus curse still lingered, it was his deep desire to be close to Camilla that fueled his passion.

Camilla, with a playful chuckle, had always known how to tease Max, but her intentions were far gentler. She wanted to bring them closer and share their feelings and emotions openly. She cherished the connection they had, and she was determined to make the most of it.

As they kissed, their hearts beat in harmony, and Max's longing for Camilla intensified. It was a moment of shared desire, a testament to their affection for one another. In that tender embrace, they both felt the warmth of their love, a love that had grown over time and had now brought them together in a beautiful way.