You left her alone

Adela quietly stepped out of the inn, leaving behind the warmth and solitude of her thoughts. The city outside was still alive with lights and activity, a stark contrast to the turbulent emotions that had churned within her. She wrapped her shawl around her shoulders, finding comfort in its familiar embrace.

As she stepped onto the bustling streets, the energy of the city enveloped her. Merchants haggled with customers, musicians played lively tunes, and laughter echoed through the night. Adela couldn't help but be captivated by the vibrancy of the place.

"This city is really lively," she thought to herself, her eyes taking in the colorful tapestry of life that unfolded before her.

Adela walked with purpose, her steps leading her further into the heart of the city.

But as she continued on her path, her thoughts were interrupted by an unexpected sight.