I am missing them

"Francis," she began, her voice soft and tremulous, "I somehow have a bad feeling about my parents. Are they okay? It seems after coming so close to Wallachia, I can't even wait to meet them. It has been a while, right?"

Francis regarded her with understanding and empathy, recognizing the turmoil that was gnawing at her. He knew that Adela's journey had been fraught with uncertainty and danger, and the longing to reunite with her parents weighed heavily on her heart.

He cracked a slight smile, hoping to offer her a glimmer of comfort. "I can feel it as well," he admitted, his voice warm and reassuring. "It's your first expedition, Adela. It's normal to have such thoughts and concerns."

Francis reached out and gently placed a hand on Adela's shoulder, offering his support. "But I want you to know," he continued, his tone earnest. "They are okay, Adela. We will meet them soon, and you'll be able to hold them in your arms once more."