We are sorry, Camilla

Theia's brows remained knitted in a show of defiance, but it was clear that Camilla's unrelenting scrutiny was causing her composure to falter. The weight of the situation pressed upon her, and she gulped nervously as she tried to find her words.

"We are sorry, Camilla," Theia stammered, her voice quivering with a mixture of apprehension and regret. Theia and Kim both stood before Camilla, their posture reflecting their newfound humility in the face of her enigmatic presence.

Camilla, however, remained composed and calculated. She tilted her head slightly, her gaze never leaving Theia, and then spoke in a cold and measured tone.

"Theia, why don't you tell me what you guys want?" Camilla's words hung in the air, laden with a challenge. Her penetrating gaze seemed to cut through the layers of deception and uncertainty.