I am not obligated to answer

Frustration and tension hung heavy in the air as the two princes confronted each other. In a defiant tone, James retorted, "Brother, I am not obligated to answer anyone."

But Richard was unyielding. He knew that their roles as royal persons came with responsibilities, and no one, not even a fellow prince, should be exempt from those responsibilities, especially when their actions endangered innocent lives.

"You are a royal person, James," Richard responded firmly, his voice unwavering despite the growing tension. "If anything happens, you also need to be answerable to us."

The tension between James and Richard intensified as their exchange of words grew more heated. James, feeling humiliated and cornered, tightened his grip on the reins of his horse. He couldn't believe that Richard had spoken to him in such a manner in front of others. His pride as a prince was deeply wounded.