Prince, don't worry about it

Richard took a moment to gather his thoughts before speaking. "It's about the Immortal Stones," he began, referring to the powerful artifacts that held significant importance in their mission.

"Prince, don't worry about it. The immortal stone is with Camilla, and I don't think Camilla will hand it over so easily to the second prince," Adela said, offering her reassurance.

Richard listened to Adela's reassurances regarding the immortal stone with a mix of gratitude and lingering worry. Her words provided a measure of comfort, but he couldn't shake the nagging concern about the potential consequences of his father obtaining the powerful artifact.

Richard appreciated Adela's comforting words, but he couldn't help but voice his reservations. "Adela, Camilla is from James's team, so..."

Before he could finish his thought, Adela leaned in closer, her voice barely above a whisper as she spoke into his ear, "Trust in me, love. Camilla will not give it up."