It was good, Father

Adela, filled with affection for her devoted servant, approached Elisa with a smile. "I missed you too, Elisa," she replied, her words carrying the genuine warmth of their bond.

The courtyard was now alive with activity as those who had gathered to welcome Adela shared in her victory and her return. Warm greetings and well-wishes flowed freely, filling the air with a sense of celebration and unity.

Slowly but steadily, Adela and her family, along with their loyal attendants, made their way toward the grand entrance of the palace. Each step carried with it a sense of triumph and relief, for they had successfully navigated the challenges of her mission.

The palace, with its opulent architecture and regal splendor, awaited their return. It was a place of power, intrigue, and grandeur, but it was also a place they called home—a place where their family bonds were nurtured and cherished.