The second prince finds it

Adela's curiosity couldn't be easily satisfied. She was eager to know more about the events that had transpired in her absence. She continued to prod gently, and her interest piqued. "What about there? Tell me about your mission."

Alfred joined the conversation with an inquisitive tone. He was eager to hear about the mission Adela had embarked upon, as it had clearly yielded significant results.

Adela, in between bites of her dessert, shared the most significant piece of news she had to offer. "Mother, you know what?" she began, her voice filled with excitement. "The second prince finds the immortal stone there."

Alfred, upon hearing his daughter's astonishing revelation, was left utterly shocked. The news that the immortal stone had been found by none other than the second prince, James, struck him with disbelief. It was a revelation that carried immense implications for the kingdom and its future.