So, she also knows about it

"Mother, I know how much of a devil he is," Adela replied, her words laced with a determination that seemed to have blossomed overnight. "And I'm also so close to finding Anesthesia's body."

Adela's revelation left Veronica both stunned and intrigued. Her daughter's newfound determination to confront the oppressive rule of the emperor and the mystery surrounding Anesthesia's body had unveiled a facet of Adela that she hadn't fully comprehended before.

Veronica's eyes widened in surprise as Adela revealed that the matter at hand was meant to be kept within a select circle. She had never imagined that Adela would confide in someone like Elisa, her trusted handmaiden. It was evident that Adela was more deeply involved in matters than her mother had ever realized.

"What?" Veronica uttered, her voice betraying a mix of astonishment and concern.