A chance?

As she focused on her swordplay, her movements became sharper and more aggressive. The rhythmic clash of steel against steel filled her ears, drowning out her thoughts.

"Camilla, you bitch!" Haley murmured in anger.

Amid the training area's controlled chaos, a burst of laughter suddenly pierced the air. Haley's sharp gaze turned to the source, and she spotted Kim among a group of girls. They seemed to be having a lively conversation, their cheerful laughter contrasting with Haley's somber mood.

Kim noticed Haley's gaze and immediately locked eyes with her. Her face lit up with a genuine smile, and she excused herself from her friends before dashing over to Haley.

"Haley!" Kim's voice was filled with warmth and excitement as she approached her friend. "I didn't expect to see you here. How have you been?"