Miss, do it quickly

Alison's gaze hardened as she processed Ino's words. The realization struck her that a direct approach could jeopardize their mission. She had to consider a more strategic and cautious plan if she hoped to secure the immortal stone.

With a hint of desperation in her voice, Alison asked, "Ino, what should I do? I can't even use my magic properly now. I need that stone to regain my powers."

Ino knew the gravity of the situation and the urgency of their mission. She also recognized that their every move would be scrutinized and that discretion was vital. "My queen, I suggest we gather information discreetly, assess the guards' routine, and look for opportunities that will allow us access without raising suspicion."

Ino, recognizing the need for a cautious and calculated approach, decided to take matters into her own hands. "I will go there first," she declared, determined to create a diversion that would allow Alison to slip past the guards unnoticed.