What is it?

Alison's eyes gleamed with determination as she responded, "If I get it, I think I can get my power back again."

The words hung in the air, heavy with the weight of their implications. With the immortal stone, Alison could rise to unparalleled heights of magical prowess. Her desire to grasp that power was driven by a potent mix of ambition, vengeance, and the longing to regain what was rightfully hers.

Ino's words of caution had fallen on deaf ears. Alison's determination to regain her power was unwavering. The allure of the immortal stone had taken hold of her, and the prospect of waiting any longer was intolerable. Ino recognized the greed in Alison's eyes, a fervor that surpassed all rationality.

"But you can see, my queen, it's not easy," Ino implored once more. She was keenly aware of the risks involved in their audacious plan. The emperor's wrath, the potential consequences, and the dangers of the forbidden pursuit weighed heavily on her mind.