Adela, I hope you didn't mind

It was clear that someone had provoked a strong reaction, though Adela seemed unfazed. Camilla's gaze, or rather, Anesthesia's spirit that had possessed Camilla's form, bore a deadly look, indicating the depths of her displeasure.

Adela chose to play coy and pretend ignorance, addressing Camilla with a seemingly innocent inquiry. "Camilla, what did you take? Is that a magic book?"

Her question was calculated, designed to keep the intrigue alive, as if she were not aware of the complex dynamics at play. She maintained a facade of curiosity and politeness, giving no hint of the underlying tension or the web of secrets that had been woven within the library's walls.

Camilla clenched her teeth but tried to control her anger and spoke out with a smile, "Actually, I come here to find some books, and his highness personally comes here to help me."