He will, Adela

Adela sat alone in her room, her attention fully captivated by the magical mirror before her. This enchanted artifact allowed her to observe everything happening within the underground chambers of the library, a place filled with secrets and experiments she had long sought to understand.

Through the mirror, Adela watched two masked men engaged in a conversation, their voices muffled by the masks. They were deeply engrossed in their work, seemingly discussing an experiment or project that had captured their attention.

Derek, one of the masked figures, turned to Kabuto and spoke, though Adela could only catch fragments of their conversation. Their words were distorted by the magical properties of the mirror, but her keen senses allowed her to glean some insight.

Inside the underground laboratory, Kabuto approached Derek, and with a quick, almost furtive movement, he lowered his mask slightly. Adela strained to hear their words.