Why did you suddenly laugh, Father?

Alfred and Veronica were left stunned by their daughter's revelation. "What?" they exclaimed in unison, their voices a mixture of shock and concern.

Adela, undeterred by their initial reaction, stood her ground and confirmed, "Yes."

The weight of her secret was now in the open, and she began to explain her actions. "I'm sorry. Actually, I advised the First Prince not to share this information with the king. We're aware of the king's wicked intentions, and I couldn't bear to see the dragon killed. Instead, I tamed it."

Veronica, her mother, rose from her seat, her worry evident in her tone as she pressed, "You tamed it? But what if the king learns of this?"

Adela met her mother's gaze with unwavering determination. "Mother, I won't let that happen. I've taken measures to keep him safe, hidden away in a secure location."

Veronica's astonishment was evident in her voice as she repeated, "In a secure location?"