Don't irritate the lady

In Count David's Castle, the soft morning light filtered through the curtains, gently kissing Camilla's face and coaxing her from her slumber. She stretched, letting out a contented yawn, and slowly sat up in her bed. However, as her groggy eyes surveyed her surroundings, she was met with a surprising sight.

The room was adorned with an array of gifts and flowers, their vibrant colors and delicate fragrance filling the air. Camilla blinked in disbelief, trying to make sense of the unexpected display.

Her curiosity piqued, and Camilla gingerly rose from the bed and approached the table laden with the offerings. She touched the petals of the flowers with a delicate grace and murmured to herself, "What is this for?"

The question hung in the air as Camilla contemplated the origin of this extravagant arrangement. She couldn't fathom who might have sent such a lavish display and, more importantly, why it was in her room.