Thank you, father

With a heavy heart and a determined spirit, she rose to her feet and made her way to the closet. She pulled out the attire she had selected earlier, her fingers trembling as she prepared to don the garment. Her resolve was clear – she needed to leave her chamber to escape the confinement of her thoughts and emotions that threatened to suffocate her.

Camilla had chosen her attire with care, donning long pants that allowed her ease of movement. Her well-fitted shirt with a high collar provided both comfort and style, and she completed her ensemble with a tailored riding jacket. Sturdy leather riding boots graced her feet, offering support and security in the stirrups, while a wide-brimmed hat shielded her from the sun's intensity. Gloves adorned her hands, adding a touch of elegance to her practical outfit. In this attire, she was ready for her horseback journey.