Camilla and Max's first night

Max's room, though not as opulent as the royal chambers, exuded a certain warmth and comfort that made Camilla feel at ease.

In the softly lit room, candles flickered, casting a warm and intimate glow. Their gentle dance of light created an enchanting ambiance as the room basked in their golden radiance. The air carried a delicate and soothing aroma, a fragrant bouquet of herbs and flowers carefully curated by Max.

Being a healer, he had filled the space with these natural scents, and they mingled gracefully, infusing the atmosphere with a sense of tranquility and sensuality.

As Max pushed Camilla onto the bed, their kiss was charged with intensity. The passion they shared was evident in every touch and every heated exchange of breath.

Camilla propped herself on her elbow as their lips continued to dance, savoring the intoxicating taste of Max's kiss.