I wish the night would be long

Camilla's self-control wavered as the pleasure surged within her. Her hands instinctively found their way into Max's hair, her fingers threading through the soft strands as she held onto him for support.

Max continued his tender ministrations, teasing Camilla's puffy bud with the warmth of his tongue. The delicate touch sent shivers of pleasure coursing through her, and her body responded by making her buds stand erect.

Camilla clutched the bed sheet with one hand, her fingers gripping it tightly as her other hand instinctively grabbed his hair, her leg arching up onto her tiptoe as the waves of pleasure overcame her. Her legs trembled beneath the intensity of the sensations.

Max, acutely aware of her desires, took her other bud into his warm palm, lightly pinching it, eliciting a soft moan of pleasure from Camilla. The combination of his attentions left her trembling with longing and desire, her body yearning for more.