034. The Great Mother Shirahoshi, the unspoken truth

Everyone looked at Tanya in disbelief.

The drunk Neptune and others, the alcoholism evaporated most of them in an instant!

"Miss Black Crow, what did you just say?"

"The murderer who killed Otohime wasn't a human pirate?"

"How did you know?"

Neptune, the three princes, and the left and right ministers questioned one after another.

The murderer of Empress Otohime.

It has already been concluded.

That human pirate was also killed by soldiers...

Why would Tanya deny it?

"You don't want to absolve humans, do you?"

The murloc guards questioned.

"Don't insult our chief, she never goes for nothing!"

Human Marines retorted.


In the eyes of the people asking for help.

Tanya gave it to herself indifferently, and poured another glass of delicious orange juice.

"Believe it or not, I said it doesn't matter."

She took a sip, looked around the banquet hall, and said:

"After all, among the 'people' present, there are two people who know it better than me."

Although I know who the murderer of Otohime is.

But the person who said it shouldn't be me...

First, there is no real evidence, and it is not necessarily believed.

Second, Tanya never likes to rescue, protect.

She prefers a little guidance.

Awakening oneself...

Trash does not deserve to have beauty!

On the other hand, the Dragon Palace Kingdom is very urgent.

"who is it?"

Neptune and the prince and ministers spoke in unison, anxiously questioning.

"Mermaid princess Shirahoshi, and her pet: Mekkaro the shark."

With that said, Tanya glanced sideways at the two beside her.

Shirahoshi surprised:

"Why do you know Tanya-sama?!"

After speaking, she sensed something was wrong and hurriedly covered her mouth with her hands.

But it was too late.

The entire banquet hall looked at Shirahoshi in astonishment.

"Shirahoshi, do you know the truth?!"

"The real murderer is someone else!?"

"It's not a human pirate... Could it be a mermaid, or a murloc guard at that time?"

"Are you lying!!?"

"Please speak up, Shirahoshi!"

"Yes, Her Royal Highness, who is the real murderer?"

The crowd kept asking questions one after another, extremely urgent.

They know that humans can lie.

But the naive Princess Shirahoshi will never lie!

She doesn't even know social rhetoric!

Who the hell killed Ottoji Empress?

Definitely get him out and bring him to justice! !

For a time, the entire banquet hall was immersed in a sea of ​​anger.

Everyone has a lot of alcohol, which further catalyzes this anger!

Princess Shirahoshi's huge figure moved back half a step timidly...

in her eyes.

Those who question themselves.

They have all turned into raging beasts of rage!

Why is everyone so terrifying?

Shirahoshi's eyes were filled with tears, his face gradually became panic, and his words were incoherent:

"No, Lord Father, Lord Brother, I, I... uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!"

She burst into tears, subconsciously grabbed Tanya beside her, clasped her hands tightly, and put her head up...

Perhaps the other party, like the queen mother, is a petite blond woman.

Or maybe she opened her heart just now, and now she is the only one who can rely on her.

She burst into tears, and pear blossoms cried for help with rain:

"Lord Tanya, save me, my father and brother have become so scary, woohooahahahah!!"

Seeing this, Meikaro also hurriedly stopped in front of the princess and blocked everyone:

"Shark! Shark!"

It kept opening its mouth and scolding, hoping that everyone would calm down.

Shirahoshi's sobbing made Neptune and the others sober up from their anger.

"Shirahoshi, don't cry, don't cry, it's the father who's wrong!"

Nepton was very anxious, and his hands kept pressing down.

"Yeah, I'm so sorry, Shirahoshi, calm down!"

The Great Prince Shark Star also swam over, restrained his expression, and persuaded seriously.

"Red rollover, red rollover, Shirahoshi Shirahoshi look at this..."

"Mifasuo, don't cry, crying Shirahoshi is not good looking~~"

The other two princes also acted as clowns to make Shirahoshi happy.

Gradually, Shirahoshi's cry became smaller.

She sobbed and looked with tearful eyes:

"Father, several brothers... woo woo, me, woo woo..."

Afterwards, Shirahoshi gradually wiped away the tears.

Several princes persuaded her to stop crying.

However, Shirahoshi refused to name the prisoner no matter what.

"Why, Shirahoshi?"

"That person is the murderer who killed the mother!"

"Yes, Your Royal Highness, why do you favor that criminal?"

Everyone present looked at her in confusion.

That guy hurt the entire Ryugu Kingdom.

If not for the murderer.

Now maybe they've moved to live on land long ago...

Why don't you tell the prisoner's name?

"Because, because of that, that person will definitely be hated by everyone, or even killed..."

Shirahoshi choked a little, pursed his lower lip tightly, and mist appeared in his eyes:

"In that case, Mother Mother will be sad in the spirit of heaven... woohoo!"

That was the last agreement with my mother.

"Don't let hatred spread and make people hate the murderer! 』

She must not breach the contract.

This is my last sustenance...

In the banquet hall, everyone was stunned.

"Shirahoshi, you..."

"Is that why you endured this pain alone for eight years?"

"Your Highness, what a pure and strong girl..."

Whether it's Neptune, princes, ministers, and murloc guards...

Even the human Marine was moved by Shirahoshi's heart!

Know who the mother-killer enemy is, but don't hate it at all.

How much courage does it take to do this?

Neptune and the Minister, ask yourself that you can't do it...

It doesn't matter if you can't ask the answer from Shirahoshi's mouth.

They won't force Shirahoshi...

After all, the shark, Mercaro, knows!

After the banquet, ask it again!

They will never allow the wicked who killed Otoji to go unpunished!

The fire of hatred is the most difficult flame in the world to be extinguished...

You can suppress it vigorously, but one day it will revive!

Just when everyone was moved by Shirahoshi's heart.

Tanya's body was covered with electric arcs, the tears all over her body evaporated, and she said coldly:

"Princess Shirahoshi, your idea is very wrong."
