035. Shirahoshi's Kiss

Tanya's voice was quiet.

But it clearly reached the ears of everyone present.

"...Sir Tanya?"

Shirahoshi looked at her timidly and opened his mouth weakly.

She didn't understand that she respected her mother's last wish to do things, how could there be a problem with her thoughts?

Tanya, who was floating in the air, held her cheek with her left hand, and opened her mouth boringly:

"The mother was killed, but you are protecting the murderer. This is the greatest disrespect for her death!"

Shirahoshi was dumbfounded, then summoned his courage and said:

"But the Queen Mother said that the chains of hatred cannot be allowed to spread..."

Tanya smiled coldly:

"But the premise is that the murderer cannot go unpunished!"

She shook her head and said coldly:

"The murderer still thinks that he did the right thing and doesn't know how to repent.

Don't you want to arrest him and do a good ideological education? "

Shirahoshi opened his mouth:


She hesitated.

Indeed, if it is the mother-in-law.

It will definitely entangle each other and keep persuading.

No matter what method you use, you must make the other party change their minds...

Tanya went on to say:

"If you let it go like this, he will hurt more people sooner or later. Do you want the tragedy of the year to repeat itself?"


Suddenly, in Shirahoshi's mind, the fear of the past appeared.

The fire was soaring, and in the square that was running around, the blood-stained mother was dying...

If there is any girl in the future.

Just like myself, I lost my parents.

Wasn't he an accomplice?

For a moment, Shirahoshi's eyes were misty, and his heart was terrified.

Upon seeing this, Tanya immediately made up for the knife:

"When you were holding a funeral and grief-stricken.

The murderer is having a drink with his accomplices and celebrating each other... Shouldn't such a bad guy be arrested? "

Her eyes were as cold as sabers, looking directly at Shirahoshi's pupils, piercing the heart!

Shirahoshi's heart defense was completely broken.

Hot tears kept dripping from her eyes, and she choked with a bitter face:

"I...I'm sorry, Tanya-sama, woohoo! I didn't think about these things, sorry! I...woahahahahahah!!"

There was another loud cry, extremely bitter and painful.

For eight years, Shirahoshi has been locked up in a hard-shell tower.

Only Mecarro could speak his mind.

The outside world can only be limited to its retelling...

Just as slaves don't know how to resist.

A woman who was defrauded of her money by a scumbag is still stubborn...

Because no one told them, there is actually a second way to go!

Human thinking is limited.

Shirahoshi, who has been locked in a hard-shell tower since she was a child, has never been told that the prisoner should be punished!

Only her mother's last words supported her entire childhood...

Therefore, Shirahoshi favored Hody Jones, creating a Stockholm-like mood.

in short:

Shirahoshi was given to PUA by her mother!

But when people have seen the light, they will no longer endure the darkness.

Tanya gently opened the lock on the tower's door, revealing a gap.

And if you really want to get out of it, you have to rely on Shirahoshi himself...

"So you're still a long way off."

The corners of Tanya's mouth twitched boringly, and her index finger lightly flicked Shirahoshi's forehead to wake her up.

The latter opened his eyes weakly and rubbed the slightly reddened eyebrows.

She takes the child to look at the innocence of the mother.

With teary eyes, she looked at the girl in military uniform floating in front of her.

As if listening to my mother's lecturing...

Tanya crossed her chest with both hands and said:

"Your mother hopes that fish and mermaids will move to live on land and no longer discriminate against humans."

Speaking of which, she shook her head:

"But now you are partial to the murderer, so that everyone on The fish men island thinks: It was Princess Otohime who was killed by humans.

The chain of hatred is still going on, and if you don't cut it, you are also disobeying your mother's last wish! "

"I, I know..."

Shirahoshi bit his lower lip, wiped his tears, and said with red eyes:

"But, Lord Tanya, even if I say the name of the murderer, can you please not kill him?"

Being locked in the hard-shell tower for too long, her mental level is actually still in her childhood.

So, Shirahoshi doesn't want anyone to get hurt or even die...

under her serious gaze.

Tanya was silent for a moment.

Then, her eyes curved, showing a coaxing smile:


Immediately, Shirahoshi burst into laughter and hugged Tanya with both hands:

"Thank you, Lord Tanya!"

Overjoyed, she gently kissed the other's side face...


Like the kiss of an angel, it is beautiful.


The entire banquet hall was stunned and chaotic.

The angry Neptune even copied all the weapons and shouted to duel with Tanya...

Fortunately, the noise finally subsided.

Shirahoshi also named the killer.

The banquet can't go on, and the people of the Dragon Palace Kingdom are eager to avenge Princess Otoji!

"do you need my help?"

Tanya, who was in the air, stretched and turned to look at Neptune.

He is discussing with the ministers on the left and right to convene the army and plan tactics...


Neptune frowned slightly.

"Yeah, as I said, I've been busy lately."

Tanya's eyes were slightly curved, and the corners of his lips curled into a creepy smile.

After eating and drinking, she also wanted to exercise her muscles and bones.

Moreover, just beat Jinbei violently and ruined the discussion hall.

Do me a favor, let it be considered compensation...
