036. Tanya: I don't save the pen

However, Neptune rejected Tanya.

With the smell of alcohol, he vowed:

"My kingdom's army is enough to deal with Hody's gang of gangsters!"

I don't know if my head was squeezed by the Gate of Justice or kicked by the Sea Kings...

What else can Tanya say?

I can only wish him a prosperous martial arts.

So, after an hour or so...

boom--! !

With a loud bang, dozens of Neptune troops were blasted away, and dust splashed.

Many murloc pirates with red eyes strode out of Noah's Ark.

They are like zombies, with infinite power, killing people without blinking an eye!

The Neptune Army is in retreat...

"Retreat, these guys are not right!"

"They seem to have taken some kind of medicine, and one by one has become extremely cruel!"

"Sure enough, was the murderous medicine in the Jade Hand Box stolen by you? Hody Jones!"

Haima Right Minister, who was in charge of the army, gritted his teeth and stared at Hodi who walked out of the dust.

"Hahaha, that's right! This power can make the murlocs stand on the top of the world."

Hody, with white hair, laughed coldly and wildly:

"However, you are hiding it in the snow, what a waste!"


Suddenly, the injured Neptune was grabbed by an invisible murloc by his neck and slowly lifted up.

"Dare to oppose our new murloc pirates, you must have already made up your mind, right? Neptune!"

Jieou, the bearded shark, threatened in a cold voice, gradually increasing the strength in his hands.

"It's a rare opportunity, just slaughter the royal family in one go and directly rule The fish men island! Doss!"

Doss, the hammerhead shark, shouted with his warhammer aloft.

"Catch the remaining three princes alive, bite their flesh and eat them! Chika-!"

The little cigar Dharma Sharkman, jumping and screaming.


The morale of the new fish-man pirates has been boosted.

There are always fish-man pirates, and the power of E·S is greatly increased.

Dozens, hundreds, thousands...

The terrifying momentum gradually spread out, like a zombie siege!

The Neptune Army was desperate.

They seem to have opened the gates of hell and released countless evil spirits...

Just when the Neptune Army was about to retreat.

boom--! !

Suddenly, a blue shadow fell to the ground.

He punches Fijio and saves Neptune!

Jinbei, who was covered in white bandages, took a karate stance and shouted in a deep voice:

"Don't underestimate people, Hody! The power you get from drugs alone is virtual, you can't control it!"

Hody sneered:

"Hmph, then you can experience it for yourself!"

He grabbed a large amount of the murderous medicine and swallowed it whole.

Then, like a hungry wolf out of its cage, slammed into Jinbei!

bang bang bang bang bang...

In the icy waters, the two sides confronted each other, punching and kicking.

The two caused countless bombardment currents, sweeping in all directions, destroying countless coral forests...

Here, a group of fish-man pirates dragged the invisible Jay out of the coral pit.

"Master Jieou, are you alright?"

Although half of the face was swollen.

But Jay still pretended to be okay.

He put his arms around his chest and said proudly:

"I'm fine, hurry up and grab Nepton, with him as a hostage, Jinbei will surrender soon!"

The fish-man pirates nodded in succession:

"Yes, Lord Jeou!"

Soon, dozens of murlocs rushed towards Neptune.

The Kingdom Guards hurried back to the defense, and the two sides fought together...

A great battle has come to an end!

And above Noah, a large soap bubble floated.

Tanya and the others are leisurely watching the battle...

"To be so cruel, will Princess Shirahoshi even forgive such a person?"

A sailor sighed, very puzzled.

Even a wicked person like Hody, Shirahoshi doesn't want the other party to die, what a goddess!

Another sailor shook his head and said:

"In the end, she's just a girl with an undeveloped mind."

A middle-aged sailor, with his arms around his chest, nodded and said:

"Yeah, murder is too cruel for her."

In exchange for his own daughter, he would not let the other party make such a cruel choice.

Not every girl is as cold-blooded and ruthless as Tanya!

"But then again, Lord Tanya, are you really patient with that mermaid princess?"

A group of sailors looked at them one after another, and they were all a little puzzled.

Even his superiors will have a friendly side in front of the commoners.

But deliberately dealing with a crying girl is really rare...

If it was in the past, she would just choose to leave, where would she waste time and deliberately enlighten her?

Tanya held the back of her head with both hands and pouted:

"It's nothing, just a little interested in her."

Legend has it that the Ancient Weapon Poseidon, able to dominate the Sea Kings.

Tanya would like to see how much this power will truly awaken!

That's why she got in touch with Shirahoshi.

Might be able to get hold of it.

There is no such thing as too much power...

However, hearing this in the ears of others, it has a different meaning.

In particular, Tanya is still unmarried, an older leftover girl...

So all the sailors speculated:

Wouldn't she be a lily?

Alas! It seems that something extraordinary has been discovered...

At this time, a sailor looked down and said:

"Speaking of which, Lord Tanya, the Neptune Army is retreating, won't you save them?"

Tanya looked dull:

"I don't save Shabi."

Everyone: "..."

Lord Tanya, that is your future father-in-law, are you sure you won't save him?
