059. Publicly whipping the empress, causing an uproar all over the world

On the battlefield, many people are watching.

"Hey, the pirate queen was beaten by the black crow?"

"Isn't she afraid that Hancock will defect?35

"Humph! I guess I think that if Captain Marko has been severely injured, you can rest easy!""

"Let's rush together! Take the opportunity to break through, don't waste your time!

The pirates were both surprised and indignant, and then suddenly charged.

Even in the face of infighting, I really don't take them seriously!

"Dare to fight the Whitebeard Pirates, even if it is a moment of arrogance, you will be torn apart!"

Let Marine bear this in his blood!

Around the mouth of the bay, some Rear Admiral and Commodore suddenly came back to their senses.

"Fire! Don't let the pirates break through the defense!

The middle-aged officer pointed at the charging pirate and shouted.

bang! bang! bang! bang! bang!

Countless cannons rang out in unison, and it was another rain of cannonballs in the sky!

"Stupid pirates, those who dare to hurt sailors, Lord Black Crow will never let go! 99

A sailor scoffed and put a pitch-black shell into the barrel.

"That's right, the last Heavenly Yaksha who made trouble at the headquarters, the scars on his face haven't disappeared yet! 99

Next to him, another sailor lit the lead, with a schadenfreude smile on his face.

What about Shichibukai, can't fight?

After all, she is nothing but a female pirate!

Who cares if you are a man or a woman, if you dare to run wild in the headquarters, you will be severely flogged by Lord Tanya!

There are many people who have the same idea as them.

Five days ago, Tanya slashed Doflamingo's anecdote, which went viral in Marineford.

Many sailors still remember it!

Especially, when Tanya-sama was leaving.

That contempt, with a deep warning look, is simply too sassy!

This is the officer who should be loyal!

Recently, many sailors have been inquiring about how to be transferred to Lord Black Crow's warship...

The battlefield in the bay was full of artillery fire again.

On the front bank, several Shichibukai, all regarded as nothing.

They each looked at the injured Hancock with different expressions.

"Hee hee hee, this is really interesting, is there any connection between the two of them?"

Moria laughed shrilly, an expression of interest on her face.

Black Crow can always surprise himself.

Compared with the other three rough men, Admiral, I don't know where to be!

"Furfurfur, Hancock, you won't be like the tyrant bear, and you won't make any agreement with the government, will you?

Doflamingo arched his back slightly, licked his ear with his little finger, and grinned.

He's on fire.

There is another Shichibukai after all.

I was bullied by Tanya like myself...

Hancock, don't be a coward!

If you fight the black crow, you'd better lose both sides! I will help you collect the corpse!

Tyrant Bear:6699

Can I swear? (mechanical voice)

Hawkeye folded his arms around his chest, looked indifferent, and squinted at Hancock.

It shouldn't be, with the arrogance of the Pirate Empress, she didn't get angry on the spot...

Is it really like what Doflamingo said, what happened to being caught by Marine?

Jinbei sighed inwardly, feeling deeply.

He must have been black crows, blackmailing his family and citizens, right?

The eyes of these filthy men.

Hancock didn't care.

Her world is dark at the moment.

Only under the execution stand, Tanya's demon figure is as clear as a blood moon in the dark night!

As if just being restless.

She also wanted to put herself on the execution stand.

Public execution in front of the world!

Hancock clutched his right back.

A bloody wound opened the clothes, and many long hairs were cut off diagonally.

If you look closely, you can vaguely see the shadow of the dragon's hoof...

It reminded her of the time when she was enslaved.

It is also such a humiliation, involuntarily!

nasty, nasty, nasty...

Hancock bit his lower lip tightly, biting out the Bloodline faintly, dyeing his red lips even redder.

But she knew that Tanya was waiting for her answer.

"Lord.々People" cannot be neglected.

Otherwise when patience runs out.

There will be more painful torture!

"Yes, sorry..."

After a short silence, Hancock spoke softly with difficulty and humiliation.

Before, only himself, Black Crow, and Gloriosa were present.

So Hancock let go and knelt on the spot!

But now, in front of the whole world, there are thousands of men around...

This undoubtedly gave Hancock a lot of psychological pressure.

She is the emperor of Daughters Island!

If you are called to and fro by a Marine, how can you walk on the sea in the future?

The people of your own country will also be despised and even bullied by the world!

So, Hancock's voice was as thin as a mosquito's...

"can not hear!"

Tanya spoke coldly, swung the golden thunder whip, and threw it hard again!


Another bloodstain splattered, forming a cross.

Countless severed black hair flew.

The shadow of the dragon's hoof is even more revealed!

However, the blood stained the old scar red...

As if slapped with a new slave brand!

Suddenly, Hancock gritted his teeth:


A scream of resentment spread across half of Marineford Square.

Many people looked at the Pirate Empress in astonishment.

She clenched her teeth tightly, her pretty face was in pain, and there was a fine cold sweat on her forehead...

Chu Chu's pitiful appearance makes many men feel distressed!

But Tanya felt nothing and ordered coldly:

"Remove the petrification of all marines immediately."9

She tilted her head slightly, her face was expressionless, and a killing intent flashed across her eyes:

"I'll kill the pirates however you want, but if you dare to accidentally injure Marine, you will know the consequences!

The reason why Hancock was left alive is because this bitch is still useful.

If you dare to be self-willed, act recklessly.

That Tanya didn't mind either, and tore off her shirt in public.

Show the dragon's hoof on your back to the world!

This battlefield was originally designed for public executions.

If you want to die, Hancock just give it a try!


Hancock gritted his teeth and responded with a choked voice.

Then, she jumped off Salome and lifted the petrified Marines one by one.

Immediately after, the humiliated and resentful Hancock.

Rush into the crowd of pirates, attack wildly, and release your anger!

For a time, because of Shichibukai's full end, the pirate camp was hit hard again...

The Marines were naturally in high spirits.

Take the opportunity to set off a wave of powerful attacks.

Whitebeard Pirates, one or two will be scolded!

"Damn, this is not a rebellion, what a backbone!"

"Yeah, Hancock, your bones are too soft!

"No wonder to be the government's lackey, damn Shichibukai..."

The pirates cursed, but Hancock gritted his teeth and kicked harder.

How can you stinky men understand the pain of a concubine!

Sabaody Archipelago, Island One.

Many people were surprised:

"That arrogant Hancock, how could he be ordered by Marine?"9

They looked up, on three screens, killing Hancock in all directions.

There is no so-called noble, elegant at all...

Some are just a random order.

A female pirate who acts according to the master's mission!

""|| Yes, the black crow Admiral is also too powerful, he can rule the pirate queen so obediently!

Many people were in awe at the figure of the girl in military uniform under the execution platform.

First, he slashed Marko, and then ordered the Queen of Nine Snakes...

This little girl, Admiral, is really scary!

"It's great, how much more information she has, I really want to interview her in person!"

The middle-aged reporter pressed the shutter frantically, his mouth almost cracked with laughter.

I thought this public execution would focus on Whitebeard!

As a result, less than ten minutes after the battle started, the black crows took the limelight one after another...

It is estimated that a new topic can be created, and the title is called:

"New Marine Heroes: Admiral Black Crow - Golden Goblin Flying Above the Battlefield!"

Many children also raised their hearts of worship and kept cheering.

in their innocent childhood world.

The big sister in military uniform who defends Marine justice.

Undoubtedly a hero!

Meanwhile, Marineford is off the execution stand.

Tanya took back the golden lightning whip, reassembled it into a thousand-blade magic sword, and slammed it into the scabbard with a click.

Next to him, Akainu put his arms around his chest and said solemnly:

"You are really out of the limelight."

Rao is the coffin-like (the king's) rigid face, and there are also a few traces of moving.

The Pirate Queen will be arbitrarily manipulated by her...

Akainu can already imagine.

How many headlines will Tanya grab in the next few days...

If he is the president, it must be all!

"It's just to discipline the pirates, is there a problem? 55

Tanya had his hands behind his back, and his face was completely calm.

A dutiful son emerges from the stick, and the same is true for dealing with pirates!

The reason why Hancock is willful is because of lack of education!

Akainu snorted coldly:

"No problem, none of the pirates deserve sympathy!

Among the Marines, if there is anyone who can talk to him the most, it is Tanya!

Whether military, tactical, strategic...

Tanya's thinking, especially Akainu's appetite!

As for the hawk boss, second child, these titles Akainu doesn't care at all!

As long as you can annihilate all the pirates, you can do it!

Immediately, Akainu also took a step forward and looked at the battlefield below.

One after another hit the Whitebeard Pirates.

Marine's morale and offensive have the absolute upper hand!

If there are no other variables.

Then this war is basically a foregone conclusion...

And at this moment, in the sea fog in the distance.

A huge shadow is coming rumblingly...