060, horror, the destruction of the devil Oz

Marineford battlefield, the two sides fought fiery.

But the pirates have been losing ground!

Suddenly, Diamond Joze shouted:

"Damn Shichibukai, fuck me!

He strode up, covered in diamonds, and rammed Hancock hard.

The latter frowned slightly, and with a bang, Qian Ying jumped back at a high speed!


The ice crystals all over the ground shattered, and Joz fluttered.

However, he did not intend to let the Pirate Queen go.

Diamond Joze chased after him and kept attacking, causing rounds of explosions!

Never let this crazy woman go.

Otherwise, the casualties will only increase...

However, the situation of the Whitebeard Pirates is still not good.

"Damn, this is not the way to go!"

A pirate with a big sword looked at the embattled, anxious.

"How's Captain Marco?"

Another rough pirate shouted from a distance.

"No, his body is still burnt to a large extent, and even blue flames can't come out!

Several pirates from the first team looked at the Moby Dick.

In the current state of the captain, continuing to participate in the war is completely a gift!

"Can't I just wait for Dad to take action?"

Many pirates were very anxious, and they all cast a respectful and helpless look at Whitebeard.

Once the world's strongest man shot.

Marineford must be turned upside down!

But the three standby Admiral will definitely take action immediately!

If four top powerhouses collide together...

Not to mention saving Ace, whether Marine or a pirate, think about how to survive first!

Is this the only way to be driven to a dead end step by step?

Just when the pirates were devastated.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

A huge roar came from far and near.

"Hey, look over there!

A pirate pointed to the open sea and shouted in surprise.

"Is it finally here? Ozzy Jr.! 35

Immediately, many pirates showed excited expressions.

This belated big guy is a real monster!

A trembling sound made many people look out to sea.

Misty clouds over the sea.

A huge humanoid monster gradually revealed itself.

Every time he stepped on, he would splash a huge wave several meters high!

Every step he took, he would bring a mountain-like pressure!

"Hey, what is that? Giants?"

Many sailors outside the bay showed shocked expressions one after another.

A group of Vice Admiral who killed the enemy couldn't help but look up.

"Is it the descendant of Oz, the lucky country?"

Crane Vice Admiral frowned, feeling a headache.

"This is too big, completely beyond our knowledge of giants!"5

Dauberman, whose face was full of scars, was also shocked and gritted his teeth.

It is more than ten stories high, and its huge body is like a hill...

The giant of the headquarters, Vice Admiral, is nothing compared to Oz!

Is this the legendary devil?

You know, with the growth of body size, the strength will also increase exponentially!

Here, on the execution stand.

Sengoku's old eyes flashed solemnly:

"It's really an incredible guy. 95

The participation of the devils in the war is not in the plan at all, it will become a variable!

Ace, who was kneeling beside him, was also stunned:

"Even you're here...Oz!!

The hoarse shout spread throughout most of the battlefield and reached Ozzy's ears.

He raised a pair of resolute eyes, looked at Ace from a distance, and his hideous fangs opened and closed:

"Ace is very gentle, I will never let you die in Marine's hands! Drink—!!

Speaking in a deep voice, Oz swung a forty-meter broadsword in both hands.

The power sank vigorously, and slashed at the warship blocking the road!

"Run away!!

All the sailors on the ship screamed and fled.


The sharp giant knife slashed the entire warship in half on the spot!

Countless sailors were stunned.

Even a group of Marine Vice Admiral were very troubled.

But the pirates, who were originally suppressed, began to revel!

"Well done! Ozzy Jr.!"

"Destroy and destroy the phalanx of warships! 99

"Let Marine see how powerful the devil is!

It seems to be responding to the expectations of the pirates.

Oz wields a giant sword, and as long as Marine dares to block the way, he will cut it without error!

Gradually, Marine began to lose ground.

A group of pirates outside the bay followed Oz's huge pace, advancing step by step!

Seeing that he was about to be killed in a bloody way.

"It seems (cjbd) to stop that monster, it's our mission!"

In front of the execution stand, the guarding giants Vice Admiral couldn't help itching their hands and were eager to try.

"Let's go, let's go together!"

Following the order, eight giants, Vice Admiral, charged in unison.

Just now, they were all out of the limelight by Tanya.

Their giant clan can't just sit idle...

Never let that human chick look down on her!

Along the way, they all learned from Oz, and they cut all the pirates they encountered in the same way!

"Let's disperse, the giant army is on the move!"

The pirates fled one after another, daring not to face the giants.

Ordinary people are particularly powerless in the face of giants.

Unless there are some humanoid monsters, they can only be kneaded by each other!

Elbaf guns are no joke!

Seeing a group of giants Vice Admiral, across the bay, to duel with Oz.

But the whole body light green devil.

I have no interest in playing with these little devils at all!

"Good dogs don't get in the way, get out of my way!"

Oz's huge hands slammed into a large warship.

Then take a breath and forcefully lift it from the frozen sea!

He held the warship high, and countless sailors on the deck rolled down screaming.

"Ah ah----!!

With the roar of Oz, the warship slammed into the giant army.

Boom ––––!!!

The warship smashed the giants back hundreds of meters!

All the marines along the way, including the thick city wall at the mouth of the bay, collapsed together!

The huge gap penetrated, connecting the two battlefields inside the bay and outside the bay!

Oz took the lead over the wall and rushed in.

The other pirates followed.

Sing forward, rush to aid the battlefield in the bay!

When entering the bay, Oz began to kill the Quartet.

The already wounded giant army is no match for him at all.

A young giant who was not hit by a warship.

Want to stop Oz alone.

However, the long sword was chopped to pieces by the opponent several times!

Just when he was astonished.

Oz was like a devil, holding a heavy 40-meter broadsword and slashing mercilessly!

With a heart-piercing scream, blood splattered everywhere!

There was even a rain of blood on the battlefield...

Immediately, the morale of the pirates skyrocketed!

"Huh, what a bunch of trash that only abuses vegetables."

Tanya sighed lightly, took a step, and lightning flashed all over her body.

She doesn't have a good relationship with the giants.

Thought they could stand up.

In the end, it was still cut over by Oz... Really incompetent!

"Are you going to shoot again?"

Akainu frowned slightly and glanced at her sideways.

This woman really doesn't stop for a moment...

Tanya's voice is indifferent:

"Of course, a rare victory can't be broken back just like that.

She hadn't planned to make a move.

But on the battlefield below, because the Whitebeard Pirates were losing ground.

Oz resisted the urge to save Ace.

Start helping the pirates clean the Marine!

This is unbearable, even if you cut the giants, cutting the sea soldiers is just doing something!

Although Shichibukai can be ordered to settle.

But their efficiency sucks...

Don't trust pirates too much, or do it yourself faster!

It is rare for the pirates to gain hope.

Just to drive them into an even more desperate abyss...

Suddenly, Tanya stabbed and flashed in front of Oz.

Eyes bloom Mangekyō, open Susanoo!