069. The dying Heavenly Yaksha, the heyday of Whitebeard's resurrection!

Garp's defeat caused the consternation of many people.

The pirate side was equally astonished.

"Hey, the hero Garp lost?"

"I thought he could hold the black crow a little longer..."

"But it's too soon, he's still not a man?!

"Yeah, the legendary Marine hero, is that enough?

Many pirates talked a lot and couldn't believe it.

I thought that, with Marine infighting, Garp could hold back an Admiral...

In that case, they can at least push back one round.

But Tanya cut the mess straight away!

No chance at all!

She is ruthless to the enemy, and even more ruthless to the friendly army...


Here, Belmaber slammed the city wall hard.

"Damn, the black crow, attacked Garp Vice Admiral! 39

He clenched his fists tightly, gritted his teeth, and was indignant.

Why did Garp Vice Admiral lose so quickly?

It's not that Tanya doesn't talk about martial arts!

Even took the dead grandson of others.

Come to cheat, come to sneak attack, Garp, the 76-year-old comrade!

It's really unscrupulous to win...

Beside, Kirby looked frustrated and murmured in a low voice:


It seems because the blow is too big.

The pupils of the young man are somewhat hollow.

The thin body exudes a very sad temperament...

After a while, he looked at Garp, who was thrown into the square, dying.

Kirby gritted his teeth, turned and ran!

"Hey, Kirby, where are you going..."

Bellmaber raised his hand and shouted, but suddenly the mountain shook!

Bang one-!!

In an instant, the atmosphere shattered, and countless cracks covered the sky!

The battlefield in Marineford shook violently.

On Marine's side, his nerves suddenly tightened, his face full of alertness.

"This shock, is Whitebeard moving?!"

"Hey, what kind of apocalyptic scene is this, as if the sky is about to collapse!"

"Whitebeard what the hell is he trying to do!?

"Look! The frozen tsunami on both sides of the strait has begun to shatter!"

The sailors all looked up at the sky, their faces terrified.

Huge and complicated cracks, like white lotus flowers, bloom in the sky!

At the same time, the force of the shock was rampant, causing the tsunami that was frozen on both sides of the strait to shatter inch by inch...

In the end, the magnificent iceberg collapsed with a rumble!

The sea swelled, and countless ice cubes danced with the waves.

Dozens of large ice-covered warships fluctuated violently in the turbulent waves...

Whitebeard's shot again, it's another world of deviation!

Countless sailors stared at the past in amazement and panic.

"Why does Whitebeard look a little weird?"

Some soldiers had doubts on their faces.

I saw, the whale on the bow.

Standing Whitebeard, steaming all over.

His body was as red as if he had been in a sauna!

Just like in the original book, at the last moment of the decisive battle between Whitebeard and Teach, the form of rage that appeared...

The body of the Four Emperors Whitebeard seems to be better than ever!

A domineering king.

Unable to converge and flock to the entire battlefield.

It makes many people suffocate and tremble!

"Look at that, Heavenly Yaksha was actually done!?"

A sailor pointed to Whitebeard's side and shouted.

Doflamingo, like a slaughtered flamingo.

He was dripping with fresh sap, countless wounds, and broken sunglasses... He was thrown aside without knowing his life or death!

At the same time, there was Ivankov who was crying and beating the ground.

Crocodile with dark lines.

Marco with blue flames all over his body.

And Luo with pale hair...

This group of people are on the same front, no matter how you look at it, it is very strange!

"Mumbling, what happened during that time just now?!

A Commodore swallowed, looking puzzled and looking suspicious.

Most of the people had been attracted by the battle between Tanya and Garp before.

So, no one noticed what happened on the Moby Dick!

Back in time a little.

Crocodile, is attacking Whitebeard.

"Hey, don't get close to Daddy.々!"

Marco, who was still seriously injured, wanted to go up and intercept.

However, Crocodile didn't bother him at all.

Seeing that the golden sting is about to be swayed...


Suddenly, a large Uzumaki field came over.

Boo! Boo! Boo!

A few icy sword lights, cut the Crocodile into pieces!

Immediately afterwards, Ivankov and Luo, teleportation appeared on the bow of the whale.

Luo held the demon knife and cried, tapped his shoulder, and said:

"You can't do that, Mr. Crocker. 99

Crocodile's head flew high.

With a cigar in his mouth, he glared at Luo sideways, and asked coldly:

"Trafalgar, what do you mean?

Escape from prison with them.

The contract has been completed!

Now they're here to stop themselves... what do you mean?

On the opposite side, Luo raised his cold eyes, and the corners of his mouth evoked a quirky expression:

"I still have something to work with Whitebeard, I hope you don't mess with it!

Crocodile turned into sand.

And then quickly reunited...

His eyes were covered with black lines, he raised his eyes to stare at Luo, and said viciously:

"You kid want to order me?!"

But he is a newcomer in the sea, and he also wants to be bossy to Lao Tzu?

Even if it's Lao Tzu Uranus coming today.

Don't even try to stop yourself from killing Whitebeard!

Just in time, Ivankov took a step forward.

With his left hand on his hip, he grinned triumphantly and said:

"Kroc boy, you'd better be quiet, or I'll have to say that!"

Saying that, Ivankov raised his right hand, and the needle-like nails kept stretching.

The threat is very strong!

As if to say:

Guy juice, I advise you to use mouse tail juice.

Otherwise, I will arrest you to go to the kingdom of Kamabaka and become a backstreet girl!


Crocodile twitched the corners of his eyes for a long time, gnashing his teeth.

In the end, I was stunned that I couldn't squeeze out half a word...

Here, the tall and mighty Whitebeard glanced at Luo and said in a deep voice:

"You said you wanted to cooperate with me?"

Luo crossed his chest with both hands, looked up at each other, and said with a cold smile:

"Yes, the current battle situation is not optimistic for your Whitebeard Pirates, right?"5

There are still gunmen around.

Countless soldiers and pirates fought, blood flowed into rivers...

Even if the battle is still stalemate.

But it can still be seen that the Whitebeard Pirates have fallen into defeat!

Isn't that optimistic?

It's a dead game!

If no one can turn the tide.

Sooner or later, the fruits of victory in the war will be plucked by Marine...

Whitebeard frowned slightly, his old eyes narrowed:

"Then what can you do? 99

The old man's slightly cloudy eyes looked at the young man in front of him.

Although the so-called death surgeon.

And it's a supernova.

The bounty is 200 million, which is way higher than Crocodile!

However, most of the 15 captains of my own group have more bounties than Luo!

Just relying on him as a rookie, how to turn the tide of the war?

Luo's mouth curled into a arrogant sneer:

"Oh, I can restore you to the heights above!

The Four Emperors Kaido was in his prime, and he went on expeditions, and his reputation spread far and wide.

The Four Emperors aunt established the Totto Land kingdom, operated the pirate kingdom, and flourished!

The Four Emperors have red hair, and they were also crowned emperors four years ago, and their forces have grown year after year...

Only the Four Emperors Whitebeard, in recent years, there is basically no big news!

So, Luo kept guessing:

Is Whitebeard's body not as good as it used to be?

He's a doctor, and he's seen it with his own eyes now.

Only found out about Whitebeard's physical condition.

Worse than I imagined!

Just like in the eyes of a detective, any trace may serve as a clue.

In the eyes of doctors, they can also judge what kind of disease the other person has from the various body surface characteristics of the patient!

Today's Whitebeard, to put it poorly, is like a thousand-mile dam full of termites...

Hearing this, Whitebeard's eyes flashed a solemn look:

"You...have seen my heyday?"

There was a deep pressure on him.

This is an angry temptation!

When I was competing with Roger on this sea, the other party had not yet been born!

Can you actually say that you can restore yourself to its heyday?

Even above heyday?

Now the little devil is really shameless!

Luo smiled and shook his head:

"No, so now, let me see the power of the legendary strongest man in the world! 35

Under the tyrannical pressure, he raised his eyes and looked directly at Whitebeard, with an uninhibited smile on the corner of his mouth.

If you dare to come to Whitebeard yourself, you are already mentally prepared!

How can it be intimidated by the mere deterrence of the opponent?

Luo knew that Whitebeard was testing himself.

So he in turn stimulated each other!

The subtext of his sentence can be translated as:

I can do what I say.

Now look at you, the most powerful man in the world.

Are you too old to be afraid to agree to the proposals of young people!

Looking at each other, the two faced each other.

Invisible killing intent, confronted dozens of times in the dark...

"Goo la la la la..."

Suddenly, Whitebeard burst out laughing.

He held Cong Yunqi high, and swung a dozen laps with one hand.

Then, the hilt of the knife slammed on the bow of the boat, and the turbulent ripples spread out...

The corner of Whitebeard's mouth grinned, and he smiled boldly:

"The kid is arrogant enough, yes!

It was as if he accepted Ace, who was going to kill himself, on board.

The more arrogant and unyielding young people are, the more he likes them!

Immediately, Whitebeard asked:

"Then what are your conditions?"

At this moment, Doflamingo hooked the silk thread and flew over at high speed.

Like a flamingo flying over, he gritted his teeth and said angrily:

""||Luo, do you want to hide under Whitebeard's shelter?"

There are some wounds on Doflamingo's body.

On the forehead, there was even gurgling blood, dyeing the sunglasses red...

These are the wounds from the battle with Luo and Ivankov just now!

He was inattentive for a moment and was repelled by the two.

This kid Luo is like a loach.

In a blink of an eye, it slipped to Whitebeard's side!

Do you really think that if you hide under the hands of the Four Emperors, you will be safe and sound?

In the face of the temptation of immortality, Doflamingo can pay a great price!


On the bow of the whale, Luo smiled coldly.

He raised his eyes and looked at Whitebeard, crying with a demon knife in his hand, pointed at Doflamingo casually, and said:

"My condition is very simple, help me get rid of him, and I will do my best to help you rescue Ace!""

Raising his brows, Whitebeard grinned:


Suddenly, he held Cong Yunqie in both hands.

The broad blade quickly brews a pound-thin shock of power.


Seeing him make a move, Luo immediately summoned the Uzumaki field.


Ivankov followed with a death wink.

Marco also regained some strength, spread his wings, and kicked away!

Even Crocodile made two cuts...

He is in a very bad mood now, and is missing a sandbag to let out his breath!

Of course, Doflamingo would be better, who could be injected by Ivankov with the female surname Hormon and become "Doflamingo"!

bang bang bang bang bang...

Countless attacks fell.

After a righteous gang fight.

Doflamingo, chopped into a bloody dead bird, was thrown in the corner of the bow.

And Luo also opened up his field and started his treatment operation...

Then, time goes back to the present.

On the whale bow of the Moby Dick.

Whitebeard was steaming hot, looking down at his hands.

He could feel that the power in his body was constantly pouring out!

Just shattered two tsunami icebergs.

It's just a small test!

"Gu la la la... What kind of surgery is this (Wang Hao)?"

Whitebeard smiled proudly, looking at Luo curiously.

There are also many excellent ship doctors on board.

But they'll just prescribe heart medication.

Nagging myself all day not to drink so much alcohol...

In contrast, it is simply a quack!

Luo wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said weakly:

"Reverse · Ageless Surgery!"

Ageless surgery can give a person eternal life.

Its essence is to transform the cells of the surgeon, so that when the cells divide, the telomeres are no longer depleted...

With Luo's current technology, the success rate of performing that operation does not exceed 20%.

On Whitebeard, the surgery was the exact opposite!

It accelerates the depletion of telomeres, and at the same time brings great power output...

To put it bluntly, it is consuming life in exchange for strength.

And the process cannot be stopped!

When it stops, it means that the telomeres are exhausted, the oil is exhausted and the lamp is dead...

to perform this operation.

Luo consumed at least ten years of life.

The black hair has also turned pale!

"You have less than 10 hours, after which you will die.

Saying that, Luo's mouth evoked a cruelty:

"But I think, you shouldn't care, right?"

Since Whitebeard dared to do his best.

Battle with Marine.

Then he must be ready to die!

"Gu la la la... Of course winter!"

Whitebeard raised his head and laughed majestically, delighted.

He was going to die in Marineford.

Luo's hand will undoubtedly allow him to dissipate the residual heat before he dies!

Whitebeard couldn't have asked for more!

Immediately, his old eyes swept to the execution platform, staring blankly at his Ace.

At the same time, there is a dignified Sengoku...

Whitebeard clenched Cong Yunqie in his hands and grinned:

"Let's fight to the death, Marine!"